Outdoor party

If there’s one thing we know, it’s outdoor party planning. Here are some of our secrets for throwing a memorable outdoor party, without spending a fortune.

List, list, list

It sounds silly. But keep a list of who you invite, then tick them off as they confirm. Knowing how many people are coming will save you hours of stress. Oh, and while we’re talking lists, make a checklist of everything: groceries, music, games – everything that can be listed should be listed.

Keep the food simple

You don’t have to don your Heston apron. Better to do a few things brilliantly than lots of things badly. Remember to swap out any perishables that are left outside for longer than 60-90 minutes.

Cobble together some fruit cubes

Okay, maybe there is room for some culinary ingenuity. And this one is almost effortless. Whether it’s for snacking or keeping drinks chilled, there isn’t a summer party out there that won’t benefit from fruit cubes. Mash your fave fruits, add lemonade, freeze the mixture in ice trays. Voila! Simple, memorable, classy. Added bonus: kids love them too. Strapped for time? Frozen berries work well and look fabulous in a flute.

Proper plates

They don’t cost much and are far better than paper or plastic.

Outdoor party drinksChilled drinks, chilled guests

“Would you mind heating my lager slightly?” – said nobody, ever. Fill a large (clean!) recycling bin or dustbin with ice to keep drinks chilled. And empty out the ice as it melts. Nobody wants to plunge their hand into frosty water – even if it is to retrieve their favourite summer beverage. Pro tip: stock up on cheap plant pots to use as your libatory receptacles. Oh, and if kids are present, remember to keep those drinks away from little hands. Raise the bar… literally.

Think about the music

An audition for curating the next Glastonbury lineup this is not. So, resist the temptation to indulge your guests with your achingly avant-garde music tastes. Stick to the crowd pleasers (sure, with a smattering of your current faves). And straddle the decades if your guest list is multi-generational.

Let there be light!

Outdoor lighting doesn’t have to be expensive. Seriously: you can create a tasteful and elegant display without spending a fortune. Fairly lights always look great, ditto for paper globes. If in doubt, add candles.

Pro tip: drill some holes into your leftover tin cans and add a tea light for DIY lanterns.

Have some fun for little ones

Sometimes babysitters cancel. Some parents want their kids at parties. The good news is that it’s easy to keep little faces smiling. Hoist a piñata, make a slip and slide (with plastic sheeting, fairy liquid and a hosepipe), spread some beach balls, make a treasure hunt, lay out Twister, provide some bubble mixture. It’s easy, isn’t it?

outdoor party flowersFlower power

A few well-placed flower arrangements really can enliven a space. Pro tip: go for single colour arrangements to add drama. Oh, and wine bottles make surprisingly good vases.

People like sitting down  

It’s true. Recruit your dining room chairs, beanbags, blankets, rugs, cushions and anything else you can lay your hands on. (Tree trunks, anyone?) And if push comes to shove, remember that you can hire furniture inexpensively.

(Thoughtfully placed) bins

You don’t want rubbish strewn all over the place. Simple as that.

Portable toilets

What goes in must come out. Factor loos in to your planning unless you want an unyielding (and impatient) procession of partygoers trolling to the nearest bush or sullying your en-suite facilities.

A first aid kit

Bumps, bruises and scraped knees are always possible at a summer shindig – whether it’s kids who have slipped or adults after over-indulging on your homemade sangria.


Provide shelter from the storm

There’s nothing quite as unpredictable as the British summer weather. It can be surprisingly affordable to hire a decent marquee.

Remember the neighbours

A complaint from the neighbours can quickly curtail the best-planned outdoor party. Notify them of your celebratory intentions in advance. Better still, invite them along. The more the merrier, right? And if they’re part of the party, they can’t complain about the noise.

A little help?

Summer doesn’t last long here in the UK. Let’s get you out there and make the most of it. We have a suite of affordable marquees available to hire (we’ll set up and pack down). Or we can just take care of the DJ and Dancefloor. Or the heating. Or the seating. You get the idea: we can fill in the gaps that you don’t want to take care of. Shall we?

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