Leading Businesses Are Jumping On The ‘Get To Know Your Customers’ Day Bandwagon. Here’s How…

Get to know your customers day

The third Thursday in every quarter is fast developing a reputation as ‘Get to Know Your Customers Day’ by leading businesses. So what, exactly, is this new trend and why is hosting an event the perfect way to get involved?

Put simply, it’s an opportunity for key business stakeholders to remind themselves about the importance of reaching out to customers so they can learn more about them. And now – in the interests of being as inclusive as possible – a growing number of businesses are using it as an opportunity to host an event. So why are events such an effective medium for this?


It helps to build a solid relationship with your customers

From their hobbies and interests to their buying behaviour, data makes it easy to find out so much about your customers. This is an incredibly valuable tool for any business but do you know your customers on a personal level?

Regardless of how great your marketing emails are or how many social media followers you have, what’s really going to set you apart from your competitors is the relationship you have with your customers. Congratulating someone for winning an award, asking how a certain campaign went or even remembering their birthday is what shows your customers that you really care about them.

Hosting an event and getting face-to-face with people provides you with the perfect opportunity to find out this information. As well as getting to know your customers on a personal level, you can also ask questions to find out their true desires, fears and challenges. This helps you to better understand their needs so you know exactly how to help them in a professional capacity.


It provides selling opportunities

It’s generally not a good idea to go in for a hard sell when hosting an event because it will put people off attending in the future. With some great food and beverages, a short presentation about your business and maybe even some entertainment however, rapport is developed quickly and naturally.

With other attendees there, you instantly gain social proof and identity which helps build trust. What’s more, if you put on a really great event and the energy levels are high, people will be keen to sign up for your new programme, product or service.


It provides you with great content

Any business knows how hard it is to come up with interesting content for their blog and social media pages. As well as giving you something new and interesting to talk about, hosting an event can help create a buzz around your brand.

Come up with a hashtag and encourage attendees to post photos or check-in on their social media pages. Even if you only have a handful of customers at your event, if they all mention you on social media, your brand is being exposed to hundreds, possibly even thousands of potential new customers.

Get in touch if you need help hosting and planning an event In 2020. We offer a full planning and design service so you don’t have to worry about a thing. From sourcing suppliers and being there on the day to welcome attendees to providing lighting, furniture, heating and even custom bar units for a truly unique experience, you can be rest assured we have everything covered.

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